Friday, August 21, 2009

A remote computer gained access to my computer?

some security thing poped up and said that " a remote computer has gained access to you computer useing your IP address" what does that mean? what do i have to do to get the "remote computer" off of my computer?

A remote computer gained access to my computer?spyware removal

It is likely to be a scam to get you to buy some security software. Get a good firewall such as Comodo - its free.

To get rid of the pop-up try this:


A remote computer gained access to my computer?virus protection software

change your IP?? try
i personally recomend windows defender. it is a free virus scanning software straight from microsoft: if you have a virus protection service do a virus scan. and what that means is someone hacked into your computer using your internet protocol address.
you probably have got a virus saying that , i suggest you do

some scans adaware free

also if you dont scan a computer will get remote access
Make sure your running a good firewall on your machine as it could be a sign of Hacker activity. Comodo Firewall is a good free firewall ( but first clean your computer using the info below.

Check under control panel, then system and click the remote tab and make sure the options are not ticked. Then use an antivirus (if you dont have one) such as Avast from to check for malware on your computer, a good website for free security downloads such as antispyware is

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