all of this porn keeps popping up on my computer and now my computer is trippin! every other few seconds all this stuff comes up saying my computers in danger and that i have looked up too much porn and my security is in danger and stuff. and my computer is acting superweird now! and there was this box that showed all this stuiff i've "looked up" and it was like lesbians and gays and stuff and i would never look anything like that up and its all just really gross and weird and now im totally freaking out!! What can i do?! HELP!
How can i make my computer extremely safe?!?!?free antivirus download
you should use anti virus %26 anti spy*
How can i make my computer extremely safe?!?!?internet security
Ca anti virus ( About 39.99 )
Spybot search and destroy , run it once a week ( Free )
Here are a entire list of options that you can choose from. You can only use one antivirus or you will have serious conflict with your system. You can use four or five antispware as long as you have the resources.
I use the purchased antivirus from Beijing, China for the past ten years. (Take your pick please).
Another free excellent program from Avira Germany free for home personal use.
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